Knowledge w/o sharing is nothing!

Author: Robertas Reiciunas


    Scale video to 720p This also makes sure the width is a multiple of 2 (4), so ffmpeg doesn’t freak out and just copies the audio. If you need to scale to any other resolution, like 576p, 1280p, etc, just replace “720” with the appropriate number.

  • SSH

    Convert OpenSSH key to RSA This command converts it ! in-place !, so make sure to have a copy of original, if you even need one: Bypass strict SSH host key checking An SSH command has two useful parameters: This little workaround came in handy a few times already. It shouldn’t be used always, as…

  • OpenSSL

    Just a few commands that helped me a lot while working with SSL certificates and keys. Generate AWS private key’s fingerprint using openssl: Check if certificate and intermediate match each other Execute following and look for “X509v3 Authority Key Identifier” Execute following and look for “X509v3 Subject Key Identifier” Check Certificate agains Private Key This…

  • MySQL

    Create MySQL database with character set and collate: Show Database sizes: Show Table sizes: